After nearly two years not won, we had a winner on April 1st, 2019
If you were to get a call on April 1st to say you won the Weekly Lotto, what would you think? April Fools?
Well, I’m sure that was going through Jim Fuery’s mind when he received a call on April Fool’s day @ 10pm. Jim had all four numbers that were drawn that night. 10, 12, 24, 25. and even luckier to be the only one, so not having to share the win.
It was a pleasure to meet Jim in the Club on Monday last where he received his winning Cheque by our Club Chairman, Gary Ryan.
All the best Jim and thank you for supporting our Weekly Club Lotto.
Where does our Weekly Club Lotto stand at present?
Every week that our Lotto is not won, our Jackpot increases. But because our Lotto is capped at €10,000, our reserve Jackpot builds at the same time, and we are delighted to say we are starting again at a whopping €6,800
This week’s Club Lotto Jackpot is €6,800
We would like to thank everyone who supports this fundraiser, that helps our club keep going.
Good Luck Everyone
Image from left to right: Gary Ryan; Club Chairman, Christina Gobbet; Online Lotto Sales, Pat Reid; Club President, Jim Fuery; Jackpot winner